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Children Act complaint
Complaint details
Please select the organisation you wish to contact and provide details of your Children Act Complaint below.
Supporting documents
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Your involvement *
I am the complainant
I represent someone else
Do you want to make an anonymous complaint
Complainant to remain anonymous
Total complainants *
Which organisation? *
Please select
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council (TMBC)
Complaint is about *
Please select
Children Social Care Complaints
Adult Social Care Complaints
Waste, Bins & Recycling
Council Tax / Benefits
Schools / Education
Road & Potholes
Street Lighting
Councillor Enquiry
MP Enquiry
Anything else
Complaint is about *
Please select
Adult Social Care Complaints
Children Social Care Complaints
Executive Support
Anything else
Brief Summary
Please provide details of your complaint below *
Details of action taken to resolve the issue *
Please select
Please select
Request for Service
Request for Service
Incorrect information or advice given
Insufficient information provided
Lack of contact from Service
No response to calls/messages from staff
Tone of correspondence
Unable to contact member of staff
Quality or Failure of Service
Agreed service not provided
Cancellation or withdrawal of service
Delay in doing something
Failure to do something
Inaccuracies in assessments/reports
Inadequate services provided
Loss of service
Not to the quality or standard expected
Refusal to do something
Payments or disputed charges
Delay in payment
Disagree with charges
Dissatisfied with financial support offered
Incorrect charges
Incorrect payment made
Payment not received
Staff conduct
Breach of privacy and confidentiality
Health and Safety
Inappropriate behaviour
Lack of empathy
Not attending appointments or meetings
Refusal to assist or help
Staff attitude
Policy and procedure
Delays in implementing policy or procedure
Disagree with policy or procedure
Procedure not followed
Social Media exclusion
Unhappy with decision
Technical/IT Issues
Incorrect information on webpage
Insufficient information on webpage
Usability of website
Third Party Provider Issues
Third Party Provider - Agreed service not provided
Third Party Provider - Breach of privacy and confidentiality
Third Party Provider - Cancellation or withdrawal of service
Third Party Provider - Delay in doing something
Third Party Provider - Discrimination
Third Party Provider - Failure to do something
Third Party Provider - Health and Safety
Third Party Provider - Inappropriate behaviour
Third Party Provider - Incorrect information or advice
Third Party Provider - Lack of contact
Third Party Provider - Lack of empathy
Third Party Provider - Not attending appointments or meetings
Third Party Provider - Not to the quality or standard expected
Third Party Provider - Refusal to assist or help
Third Party Provider - Refusal to do something
Third Party Provider - Staff attitude
What would you like us to do to resolve the issue?