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Member enquiry
Please select the organisation you wish to contact and provide details of your MP enquiry below.
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Which organisation? *
Please select
Greater Manchester Pension Fund (GMPF)
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council (TMBC)
Enquiry is about *
Please select
Children Social Care Complaints
Adult Social Care Complaints
Waste, Bins & Recycling
Council Tax / Benefits
Schools / Education
Road & Potholes
Street Lighting
Councillor Enquiry
MP Enquiry
Anything else
Enquiry is about *
Please select
Adult Social Care Complaints
Children Social Care Complaints
Executive Support
Anything else
Enquiry is about *
Please select
Customer Services
New Claim
Anything else
Subject *
Your query *
Record member details
Enquiry on behalf of a constituent?
Classification *
Root cause *
Please select
Advice needed
Delay in answering call
Delay in communication
Delay in payment
Breach of privacy and confidentiality
Disagree with charge received
Disagree with policy or procedure
Dissatisfied with financial support offered
Escalate to complaint
Failure of service
Failure to deliver a service
Failure to do something
Failure to respond to requests
Inadequate services provided by a third party
Inappropriate behaviour
Incorrect charge
Incorrect information or advice given
Information request
Loss of service
No communication received
Noise concerns
Not to the quality or standard expected
Obstruction on footpath/highway
Poor communication
Refusal to assist or help
Service request
Something needs doing
Something needs removing
Something needs replacing
Staff conduct
Classification *
Please select
Service Request
Details of answer given *
Add corrective action?